Making joy available anytime, anywhere with features you will love.

Free content to get you started

Short taster experience to find out how it all works.

Inspiring coaching programs

Proven coaching programs to learn and apply the Lifestyle Pivoting Method.

Support and accountability

Personal coaching support and regular check-ins to ensure your success.

Joyful Living

Dedicated space to share experiences and ask questions right inside the app.


Place to record your new daily practices and keep track of progress. 

Available on any

Accessible on laptop, tablet or phone so you can find your joy wherever you are.

The Lifestyle Pivoting Method

How does it work?

Lifestyle Pivoting follows the exact methodology developed by the founder Gilly Kennedy, over a decade-long search for a happier lifestyle that radically helped her out of challenging times and onto an exciting new future.

The method contains 3 key ingredients:

1. A holistic “joyful living” philosophy to set the guiding principles for change.

2. A five-step process to take you from where you are now to where you want to be.

3. Daily practices to empower you to think, feel and act differently from day 1.

Lifestyle Pivoting is infused with powerful strategies and techniques from some of the best life teachers on the planet all put together into a practical, highly interactive coaching experience infused with the unique Gilly magic.

It’s practical, easy to learn and it really works!

"Lifestyle Pivoting makes the seemingly impossible possible by taking you step by step on an inspiring journey to joyful living."

Meet the Founder

Gilly Kennedy

An ex-corporate professional of more than 35 years, turned award-winning coach, Gilly knows a thing or two about making lifestyle changes.

Following decades of abuse, conflict, and anxiety-induced stress whilst holding down a successful career as a single mum, she decided enough was enough. In her mid-forties, she resolved to carve out a happier future.

It was to take 10 long years, but eventually she created herself a truly inspiring lifestyle full of purpose, fulfilment, balance and joy. She had discovered what she calls “joyful living” and has made it her mission to share what she learned with others.

Packaging up all the best bits from her own journey, Gilly created the Lifestyle Pivoting Method to help tired-out professionals find their way to a joy-filled future.

Following the amazing results achieved by her coaching clients, she was keen to make her method more accessible and affordable.

The Lifestyle Pivoting App was born!

Her work gets rave reviews being described as “totally inspiring”, “making the seemingly impossible possible” with “life-changing results”.

Gilly is honoured to have been recognized by Gaia International Alliance as a leader with exemplary compassion, ethics, and skill in the humanitarian field. 
